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Saturday, February 23, 2019

1. Introduction

This blog is for me. It is my way to externalize. It is my therapy.

The topic will be about my faith crisis and transition away from believing that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS or Mormon church) is the one true church on the earth. Many that are not affiliated with the church may not have any idea what I’m talking about, or may find these topics strange or that it doesn’t interest them. If anyone in this situation would like to chat, I’m very open. If not, there is no pressure to continue reading. This is the same for members of the church. But before I get too in depth, I want to clarify what I hope to accomplish by writing this as well as reasons that are NOT a factor.

Reason 1. This process is extremely difficult

            I’m not doing terribly; I want to quickly put that out there. I am actually doing generally well. My relationship with my wife is strong, as well as with my children. I have been more successful in my career over the past year than at any other time in my life. I am generally happy and upbeat. But, as is common with those entering, proceeding through, and coping with the aftermath of a faith transition, there are many difficult changes that occur.

For one, I can obsess on church related issues, among other things. Now, many within the church may think, “See, he left the church but can’t leave it alone,” or “the adversary is working through him to further his plans,” or “I knew people that lose their faith are miserable.” These things could not be farther from the truth. I struggle because the church was my life. It was my community, my tribe. My life revolved around family home evenings, cubs, scouts, lesson planning, sharing the gospel, church activities, and church meetings. Almost all of my social contacts were and are members of the church. My relationship with my wife, including our shared direction for the future, was based on our belief in the church. I knew my path. I knew the path for my kids. I knew what to expect.

            I no longer know. I can’t say that “I know” too much of anything anymore. And while I am becoming okay with that, it is a struggle to figure out where I go from here. Where my family goes from here. I struggle with re-evaluating everything I ever thought I knew. Because when you believe something so strongly for so long and then are forced to re-evaluate the whys of your belief, you have to start from the ground up.

            So, I study hours per day. I research everything: church history, doctrines, statements made by past and current leaders. I study about evolution, minority rights, LGBTQ issues. I study politics and climate change. I study bible scholarship and world religions. I have had to take a hard look at almost everything that I used to believe and under that microscope decide what I currently believe and why. It’s definitely an ongoing process. And it is extremely time consuming and stressful as my past has come crashing down and my future is not clear to me.

            While most of my relationships seem intact, there has definitely been a shift. While I used to have the commonality of the church with many of my friends, family, and acquaintances, now I am an outsider. And not only an outsider, an “exmormon.” While I don’t know that I currently identify with this label, people who leave the church are generally put into a box by those that believe. The labels on the box are “LAZY,” “OFFENDED,” “WEAK,” “DECEIVED,” “SINNER.” While no one has actually said this to me, these are things that the church has taught for many years. If anyone is interested, I can provide sources. But this is not the purpose of why I mention these things. My relationships with member friends and family has been negatively affected. And while I am extremely grateful that no one has disowned me, gotten upset with me, or has been rude to me, I feel the difference. It is not your fault. I understand why things are different. But it is still hard.

            I had many acquaintances but few friends in my ward and town before “coming out” with my unbelief. I now feel like creating friendships with members is even more difficult. I realize that people are busy. I also realize that certain people have tried (THANK YOU!). But I feel like I have the plague. This may be in my own head, but my perception is that people keep their distance further than they did when I believed. Everyone is very nice, don’t get me wrong. But very few have reached out or dug deeper into how I have been doing or why I have made the decisions I have. So, I also pull away.

I am not meaning to blame. I think it’s natural to the human condition to distance yourself from those you may not agree with. I bring this up because I feel judged, whether I actually am or not. When I was a believer, I used to judge those that decided to leave. As a result, I now worry what people think of me. I shouldn’t, and I’m working on it. But I do worry that people think less of me for my decisions, that I’m leading my family astray, that I will be miserable for the rest of my life, and that I will lose my salvation. I’m not trying to convince you otherwise, but hopefully through the process of writing this blog, some few of you that actually read it (I’m not holding out for too many to actually keep reading it) will at least understand how and why I got here. So, whether you agree or not, you can hopefully understand the process.

My relationship with my wife was strained as a part of this process. Living in a mixed faith situation was not what either of us expected to have to deal with. My beliefs and values are changing. Not everything, but enough to make things a bit uncomfortable. This goes back to re-evaluating the whys of my past beliefs and decisions. While many of my values remain (being a good father and husband, doing what is best for my children, providing for my family, respecting and helping others, etc.) some values have definitely shifted. I hope to include a topic specifically on these changes, so for now I will keep this brief. But things have been very difficult within my relationship. My wife and I are currently in a very good place (unless she tells you otherwise) but it has taken a lot of tears, talks, disagreements, arguments, compromise, and love to get to where we are. We are both completely committed to our relationship and to making this work, so no worries there. But to reiterate, our relationship has never gone through something as difficult as this.

So yes, I am struggling. It is getting better, but I hope that by writing I can get out some of these thoughts and feelings. By externalizing rather than bottling up these things, I am hoping that I will come to terms with my recent transition.

Reason 2. I am processing

            Processing is a word we use in psychology. Loosely, processing means to evaluate past events in your life, then to analyse them with current knowledge, which hopefully creates new insight.  I am hoping to gain insight into how to consolidate recent events in such a way as to clarify my future direction in life. By facing difficult aspects of the past year and processing them in different ways I hope to improve my perspective and move forward towards becoming my best self. This may sound very “delicate snowflakey” but it’s what I need right now.

            For example, through my faith crisis and transition, I went through the various stages of grief. I was grieving the loss of my faith. I was grieving the loss of trust in the church and its leaders, past and present. I was grieving the future I was planning. The five stages of grief are: 1. Denial; 2. Anger; 3. Bargaining; 4. Depression; and 5. Acceptance. Thinking back on the past year, I have been through every one of these stages. I hope to write on these at a later date, but I will talk briefly about one stage: Anger.

            I felt betrayed by the church. I felt betrayed by Joseph Smith. I felt betrayed by God and Christ. I felt betrayed by my own body for making me feel both the positive feelings we attribute to the spirit as well as the negative feelings of going through this difficult process. I have felt anger during church when someone would say something from the pulpit or in a lesson that I believed was not corroborated by the history of the church. I was angry when someone would speak out against LGBTQ individuals. I felt anger when someone would teach that I and those like me are “less than” for not believing in this church. I was angry that in order to be authentic to myself and to maintain my integrity, I had to give up the opportunity to perform ordinances for my children with the accompanying judgement from others.  

            I don’t want to feel angry anymore.  So, this is to help me process these thoughts and feelings in a way as to change the narrative of my past, my present, and my future with the church and to move forward in a positive way.

Reason 3. To help people understand

            One of the most difficult aspects of this process has been the worry about what other people think of me. Most importantly, I did not want my wife and children to think less of me. From the beginning this has been one of my greatest fears. The tough thing is, many people leave the church because of integrity. Now I’m not saying anything about truth or who is right or wrong when I make this statement. To clarify, due to my study and research I no longer believed the church is true. Which means that while leaders of the church are trying their best, from my perspective at least, they are just men. They are doing the best they can, but they are just people. People who were influenced by their past experiences and beliefs. My integrity came into play when I no longer felt I could pretend to believe all that was taught. I feel that in many ways, my current values and standards are higher than those taught in the church.

            Again, I am not trying to create problems. All I am saying is this: when you see the difficult things that leaders of the church have done and said, when you fully believe that LGBTQ individuals are just living their life rather than engaging in sin, and when you cannot continue believing the truth claims of the church, you have to make a decision. That decision is to continue pretending to believe, and pretending to agree with these and other difficult beliefs of the church OR you make the decision that maintains your integrity. Namely, you make the choice that you will follow what you believe is true and you begin living in that way.

            Many in the church will not agree but I hope you understand. For one reason or another, I no longer believe. And as such, I need to live my life according to what I do believe. In the end, I have many reasons for my loss of faith in the church. The vast majority of those reasons are unknown to almost all of my family and friends. This is because no one wants to know. Or maybe they are afraid to ask for fear they might be contaminated by my doubt. I’m not exactly sure what the mechanism is that creates this tendency to recoil from the whys of my faith transition. In the end, I have legitimate reasons for no longer believing. And until others know those reasons, they cannot judge me for my decisions. The vast majority of this information was unknown to me until I made the decision to dig deeper and follow wherever the truth led me. I was a convert and thus had all the missionary lessons. I went on a mission for this church for two years of my life. I lived it for 20 years, and so much of this information was unknown to me. So, whether or not anyone actually listens to my issues or not, hopefully some understanding can be had for my decisions.

            I will not be the last person you know that will stop believing in this church. It may be your parent, child, friend, sibling, or co-worker. It could be anyone. I hope that by reading about these topics that you will learn how to best empathize and support those that go through this process. You never know, you may be in my exact position someday. Never say never, I certainly didn’t expect to be here.

Reason 4. To be a safe place

            A faith transition is an extremely lonely and isolating experience. I felt like I was the only one that I knew that was going through it. I was lucky to have one friend help me through the process, but I know many do not have this luxury. After I published my Facebook post regarding my faith transition, I have had several people approach me to say they were also going through the process. Some were not as far along and some had been going through it for much longer than I had. Some had also “come out” to either their family or the public and some had not. Having the knowledge that there were others struggling with these things as I was, and being able to chat with them and bounce ideas off them was extremely helpful.

            So, for anyone that is having doubts, I am a safe person to talk to. For anyone that hears difficult “anti-mormon” material, talk to me about it. The odds are that I have heard about it and have either corroborated it with historical sources or dismissed it as false. If you are struggling with an aspect of history or doctrine, I will give you honest answers without judgement. If you have “sinned” or are struggling with a particular issue, please reach out.

So, these are the reasons I am posting this blog. It’s to release some pressure for me, to externalize my feelings. It’s to help people to understand where I’m coming from, for those that wish to know. And it’s a way to have others know that I can be their safe person to talk to about anything. Now for the points about what I am not trying to do.

Potential Misconception 1. I’m not trying to convince anyone I’m right

I’m not trying to destroy anyone else’s faith. As I have said in my post from August, if being a part of this church brings you community, happiness, spiritual fulfillment, etc., I am honestly happy for you. I would not want to take that from you. I know of people that know many of the issues that I am aware of and they make a nuanced faith work. But information is neither good nor bad. It is true or false. And it is up to each of us individually to decide what is true and what is false.

Potential Misconception 2. I am not here to bash the church

In previously discussing my anger stage, I am mostly through those feelings. I realize that there are amazing aspects to this church. It teaches people that they should be honest, provide service, sacrifice of ourselves for others, be humble, etc. There are great programs for youth in the church. There can be a sense of community. I realize all of these things. While I may not agree with specific doctrines and policies, I am not writing these things to say the church is completely bad. In the end, it is not completely good either but it is not my purpose to vilify the church, the leaders, or the members. I am here to discuss the realities of my faith transition.

On another note: please respond if you would like. You might completely agree with me, you might disagree with almost everything I say, you might want to tell me off. Please do! I would rather you add to the dialogue I hope to create than to have you quietly unfriend me or leave things unsaid.

So, we come to the close of my introductory post (thank goodness, that was long…). But before I bring this to a complete close, I wanted to outline some topics I plan on (eventually) writing about:

            My personal history, how doubt began, how doubt progressed, the pain of a faith crisis, why people leave (shown by research), changing relationships, feeling alone, positive aspects of the church, how to support someone in faith crisis or who no longer believes, specific changes to my beliefs and values, what do I teach my kids, navigating a mixed-faith marriage, my current belief system, moving forward, and how the church could make room for me.

            These are not all the topics I wish to discuss but it is a good sampling of some of the things I want to write about. I am also open to any topics that anyone would like to hear my perspective on. So, if you are still interested, I’d like to welcome you along for the ride…


  1. This was a great blog to read for me. There are deeper and different reasons for me for my faith transition. And it has been a very long processing for me to understand my own feelings and thoughts and truths and it has been difficult as I have chosen to do it alone for fear of influencing so I know these decisions are my own.
    This is a great way to work through this for you and I'm happy with the way you've said everything.
    Thank you for what you have written.

  2. A refreshing post, I appreciate the candor. The most liberating feeling is when you finally reach that stage where you honestly, do not give a fuck anymore what anyone else thinks. Life after that self-fulfilling moment, is where your mind, soul and heart feels at peace. It really sucks it took almost took 30 years to understand that. Again thank you for this post and your insight to your new awakening.

  3. Dason,

    Thanks for sharing, and for being so candid and transparent. I think most people in the church, including my self, have wrestled with these same questions/issues.Through my own wrestle I have maintained my belief in the church, but have also honestly been sympathetic to others and truly have a desire to understand what they have gone through. When it comes to sharing perspectives, I don't believe that there is such a thing as a "wrong" experience, and I find your willingness to share very refreshing.

    Last week at a meeting I was in I was asked to share a thought, so I asked the question to the group: "What kind of members do we want in the church?". After letting the other members of the group think about it for a while, and give their responses, my response was "All of them." And by that I truly meant ALL of them. The ones who struggle with doubts and questions. Those who struggle with sins and addictions. Those who are LGBTQ+. Those who remove their names, but still want to attend in order to support their families, or because they are still wrestling. Even the ones who yell out opposing votes in general conference, but for one reason or another choose to stay. One of my favorite scriptures is 3 Nephi 18:25:" And ye see that I have commanded that none of you should go away, but rather have commanded that ye should come unto me, that ye might feel and see." And when Christ says NONE, I think He really means it.

    In the end, I hope that as you continue on your journey, and as you share with others, that you find the peace and answers that you are looking for. I think the key is for all off us, both those who struggle with their faith and those who don't (or wherever we lie on the spectrum in between), is to keep ourselves open to each others perspectives with love and without judgment.

  4. I enjoyed reading your post, Dason! From the sounds of it you are a truth seeker which I can relate to. I know it's different but I was raised Catholic and though I appreciated some of the values, I decided years ago that organized religion was not a fit for me. I have been doing lots of soul searching, reading, meditating as of late and have developed my own spiritual beliefs that keep me strong. Sort of an intersection between Buddhism, things I learn in my yoga practice, and new age hippie stuff! Still a work in progress though. Best of luck on your journey, it sounds challenging but it also sounds like you are being authentic with those close to you and honest with yourself and that is key.

  5. Hey bud, as always much love for you and your family. I’m always there to chat if you ever want. I truly just want you to be happy. While we may disagree, it’s your life and your journey and as long as your happy, I’m truly happy for you. Taylor is right. Everyone one, no matter where they are at on their journey is welcome at church. Period. Thanks for sharing.

  6. This resonates so much with my own experiences. Can't wait to continue to read. Also I believe we may be related. It would be incredible to find Harker family to connect with that have gone through a similar deconstruction.
    Thank you!

  7. Thank you for sharing. I'm having a difficult time navigating my faith transition. I can't wait to see more of your posts. It's great you can be honest with the world. I wish I could discuss my feelings and why I'm doubting the church, with my family. Maybe they could help me, or I could help them understand why I'm having a difficult time believing. I was actually studying for a lesson when I saw JS with his head in a hat. I was told that, that was anti-Mormon and then I actually saw it in a lesson manual! That's what started me down the path of doubt. Then one Discovery lead to another. I feel like like I've been lied to by the church. It really hurts in more ways than I can express right now. I'm dumbfounded and don't even know where to go from here. One day at a time, I guess that's all I can hope for at this stage.

    Thank you again, this was helpful.

  8. Beautifully written and SO much of what I'm experiencing. I made the mistake of sharing this "gentle" writing with him and he's been yelling at me now for 30 mins. I'm screwing up my salvation; we all are. We're going to spend an eternity of shame because of our choices. Blah, Blah, Blah...Fact: I can't talk to, or share with him. End of Story. Period. I will enjoy reading the rest of your experience/story. Thank you for sharing your journey.

  9. Clarification: Him is my husband. We were both born under the covenant, he served a mission to Japan. We were married in the temple 38 yrs ago. I'm 60. He will not believe my research has shown anything of worth/truth that everything we've believed is not all true. He believes, 100%, I am choosing to leave just to leave. Right! I want something I've believed for 60 yrs to be false and fraudulent.

  10. I went through a similar transition a couple of decades ago. Like you, I was fortunate to have an accepting family. However, my family relationships were negatively affected and still are to some extent. I differ from you in that I am actively trying to influence others. It is utterly amazing to me the sort of nonsense that the LDS church is allowed to get away with.
